______________________________________________________________________ Instructions - WinDBG - Configuration ________________________________________ Install the Debugger • Install the latest Windows SDK (Software Development Kit) appropriate for the Windows versions to be debugged. · Google: Windows SDK · The web installer will permit selection and installation of particular components. · Only the 'Debugging Tools for Windows' portion of the SDK is strictly necessary. · It is advised to also install the 'Windows Performance Toolkit'. · Windows 5.0 debugging is not supported with modern debuggers. · Acquire the 'Debugging Tools for Windows' to debug Windows 5.0 dumps. · This debugger should not be coinstalled with later debuggers. · This debugger should be installed on a VM designed to debug Windows 5.0 dumps. ________________________________________ Provision the windbg.exe Internal Symbol Path • Start the windbg.exe debugger. · Select: 'File | Symbol file path'. · Replace any content with: symsrv*symsrv.dll*C:\Symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols · Click: 'OK' · Select: 'File | Save Workspace'. · Exit the debugger. · If the debugger asks whether to save the workspace, save the workspace and check 'Do not ask me this again'. ________________________________________ Testing Symbol Resolution • Restart the windbg.exe debugger. · Open a dump to verify that Microsoft symbols resolve. · If Microsoft symbols resolve, close the debugger. · If Microsoft symbols DO NOT resolve: · In the menu item 'File | Symbol file path'. · Verify that the symbol path displays the previously supplied symbol path. · If the previously supplied symbol path is not displayed, return to the section: 'Provision the windbg.exe Internal Symbol Path' · Execute the debugger command: .reload · Microsoft symbols should resolve. ________________________________________ Optionally Associate the Extension '.dmp' with windbg.exe • This step will allow opening of dumps by double-clicking them · You must have administrative permissions to accomplish this. · If you do not have administrative permissions then you may not make this association. · This association is convenient but not mandatory. · In an administrative, UAC-elevated cmd.exe prompt, enter: "x:\path\windbg.exe" -IA · Where ‘x:\path’ is the path to 'windbg.exe'. · Where '\xXX' or '\xXX' is either '\x86' or '\x64' matching the OS architecture. · Where '-IA' is capitalized. · e.g.: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10.1\Debuggers\x64\windbg.exe" -IA ________________________________________ Credits Any external referenced material in this document is hyperlinked. Authors responsible for referenced work should be sought through the reference(s) listed. I am Christopher Etter, a Professional Services consultant. Because you are using this, I welcome you as my customer. These documents are free for you to use. I work diligently to serve you with material such as this. I would appreciate it if PSPRO (professionalservices.pro), my name, and this 'Credits' section remain attached to this work so that I accrue name recognition via your success and peer recommendation. Thank you very much, and I hope this document helps you solve your current information technology issue! | |